Monday, January 26, 2009

Just for the Sistas...and the men who love them

Maybe I need to understand my place as a woman and let the men do their thing. But wait…that would mean my pride against the static male ego. Recently in the middle of a heated argument, a man called me proud but isn’t that supposed to be a compliment? So I gracefully accepted his kind words but my friend went too far when he said I was…what’s that word again?! (Real spelling E-G-O) Like I said, I'm still learning my place as a woman and I often sob at the thought of my life as the weaker sex. The life of a woman is almost pathetic; she will forever pay for leading the man astray with the forbidden fruit. Will she ever be forgiven, even in eternity? When will she be free from the fear of assault, rape, and the one that faces me even now…the fear of being herself, the freedom to express her opinion without a man breathing down her neck…or fellow women casting the evil eye on her, just for daring to be herself. I think sometimes I can help her tell her story , help her find her voice in the midst of the rancor, in the midst of the expectations -- from parents, the society and her man. But like I said, I’m still learning the art and mastery of the male ego.

I love African men and their sense of humor but I just don’t think I get their views on politics, romance, family…I could go on and on. But I’m trying to be an African man’s woman so you see why I must understand their ways? Ever heard of the phrase “I can’t possibly do that because I’m the Man” or “You shouldn’t do that because you’re a woman.

Ladies, don’t even try the 21st century thingy on them; they know the trick (sigh). Ever heard that popular phrase “Men are from Mars…women are probably aliens”? (Well, you heard it from me!) So when that guy holds the door for you, carries your purse, feeds you breakfast in bed…hold the mushy thoughts…if he’s black, him back!

• Dedicated to all my daring black brothers who are not ashamed of having a successful sista by their side. Who are not governed by the laws of give and take, who are not controlled by their ego and you know what!
• Dedicated to all my faithful soul sistas who know how to respect and love their men. Who keep it simple even though they’ve got it going on


  1. This is profoundly deep. I guess there's some give and take. Except it is written in the Word, I don't accept stereotypes. They are just that....stereotypes. I'm usually wary of men that open the door etc. Most times, they are egocentric. (That's not to say I haven't met some darlings who open the door because they love to).
    I've stopped seeing the evil eye cast by men and women alike when I have myself together. I don't think I get that because I'm a lady. I think they (the men and women) are envious and I will not give them the satisfaction of caring about their eye. David said 'Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my foes'. So to the men/women with the evil eye, I say, keep looking, stay tuned as I eat my feast in your presence.
    I just think that this battle of the sexes has gone on too long. All of us should learn to live together and go back to the Word.
    Whenever my friend tells me 'I can't do that because I am a man', I ask where it is written. That has been effective. (Pls note that anytime the roles are reversed, I'm willing to admit that I'm wrong, IF I AM).
    Maybe I should start my own blog and stop taking all the space on yours.

  2. waht shalll we Say to this things!
    shld d roles be reversed because of our "love"?
    is the 21st century destroying the place of a woman in the home?
    Now our women say it is not in their place to cook for their husband!(pride)
    they go like i work too!please read and shew prov.31 to understand the place of the WOMAN.
    As a matter of fact it is not bad for a man to cook( i love to cook)but u dont rub it in as if it is a man's duty or u cook in the house wenever u feel like.
    Now pride is celebrated.wot does d Bible say about PRIDE.....its only a wide way to downfall!
    i wonder dis days if it is men dat has EGO issue or our women who see wot their mothers did to keep their home beautifull as slavery.............
    The Bible commands women to submit to their husbands,and also there isn't one place that it tells men to lord over, command, rule, or govern their wives; but our women see every admonition or advise as a command.
    Wen men wash the car, stand up for his woman to sit when there are no sits @ a function , runs errands is seen as his responsibilities OR like i sometimes get" I DID NOT ASK U TO,I CAN DO IT MYSELF"(dat comes during role denial) bt this i see as responsibilities and men expect appreciation not just in words but in behavior.
    NOW to cook a meal or help carry a plate of food at a function is seen as SLAVERY
    wot an irony of life!
    please I wld love everywoman that come across this to check the way sarah ,rebeccah,ruth and the rest of them treated their husnbands as against jazebel whose major issue was pride!and also David's wife(kant remember her name nw....) who believed the king is too big to dance for his God and also addressed her man without respect. Every thing is not THOU SHALL OR SHALL NOT.(Living examples makes sense).....i know some we say its old skool but the word of God is eva newschoool

    D easiest thing in life is make ur husband love you more and serve u as a woman if u learn to appreciate and treat him like a king (lol). i know some folks re against that word for their hubby. we re just PARTNERS right?........


  3. Men are babies.....u just need to know wen they need to be cuddled and dey re all yours!
